In a dramatic turn of events, Magalí Benejam, the 30-year-old beauty queen from Córdoba, Argentina, who held the title of Miss Universe Argentina 2024, has been dethroned following her explosive allegations against...
The Silverbird Group, renowned for its impactful contributions to pageantry, has unveiled another prestigious initiative: Miss World Nigeria 2025.
Following the success of Miss Universe Nigeria, this premium project promises to shine a global...
Miss South Africa 2024, Mia Le Roux, has chosen to step back from the Miss Universe competition, citing health concerns.
The announcement from the Miss South Africa Organization emphasized that this decision, though...
Momentum is gathering for the 2024 Miss Universe Nigeria slated for Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos on Saturday 31st, August.
In the last one week, contestants had been at the Festival...